indexOf() Mastering JavaScript String Methods with Arguments Explained

indexOf()  Mastering JavaScript String Methods with Arguments Explained

indexOf() Understanding String Methods with Arguments in JavaScript

In JavaScript, string methods are used to perform various operations on strings. Some of these methods require arguments, which are values passed to the method to influence its behavior.

What are Arguments?

Arguments are values that we pass to a function or method to perform specific actions. When working with strings, arguments help define the behavior of a method. For example, if we want to find the index of a specific character in a string, we pass that character as an argument.


let name = "inder";

If we want to find where the letter "n" appears in the string, we can use a method with an argument:


This will return the index where "n" first appears in the string.

Syntax of Methods with Arguments

The general syntax for using methods with arguments is:


Using indexOf() Method

Find The Frist index

  • -1 ( not Found )

  • 2 ( only 1 index )

The indexOf() method searches for a substring (or character) within a string and returns the index of its first occurrence. If the substring is not found, it returns -1.

Example 1: Finding the First Index of a Character

let str = "ilovecoding";
console.log(str.indexOf("love")); // Output: 1

Since "love" starts at index 1 in the string, the method returns 1.

Example 2: Finding a Character’s Index

let msg = "ILOVECODING";
console.log(msg.indexOf("L")); // Output: 1

The letter "L" appears at index 1, so indexOf() returns 1.

Example 3: Searching for a Character Not in the String

If we search for a character that is not in the string, indexOf() returns -1.

let str = "ilovecoding";
console.log(str.indexOf("z")); // Output: -1

Example 4: Handling Multiple Occurrences

When a character appears multiple times in a string, indexOf() only returns the first occurrence.

let msg = "ILOVECODEING";
console.log(msg.indexOf("E")); // Output: 5

The letter "E" appears twice in the string, but the method only returns the first occurrence at index 5.

2 (only 1 index )

Understanding indexOf() Method in JavaScript

Finding the First Occurrence of a Character

When searching for a character or substring within a string using the indexOf() method, JavaScript returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified character. If multiple occurrences exist, only the first one is returned.

Example Usage

Example 1: Finding the First Index

let msg = "ILOVECODEING";


The first occurrence of the letter "E" is at index 5.

Example 2: Searching for a Non-Existing Pattern

If we try to find a pattern that does not exist exactly as entered, indexOf() will return -1, meaning it was not found in the string.

let msg = "ILOVECODEING";


Since "E.E" does not exist in the string exactly as entered, the method returns -1.

Real-Life Use Case

Imagine a scenario where you need to validate user input. For instance, checking if an email contains "@" before proceeding:

let email = "";
if (email.indexOf("@") === -1) {
    console.log("Invalid email: missing '@'");
} else {
    console.log("Valid email");


Invalid email: missing '@'

This is an example of how indexOf() can be used to check for the presence of essential characters in user input.